Google Analytics Server-Side Tracking

Accurately measure conversions to paying customers and the actual ROI of ad spend even when sales happen weeks after the initial ad click with Google Analytics API integration combined with Able CDP first-party tracking and attribution

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Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the most popular web and app analytics platform, however 30-40% of conversions in Google Analytics often have a 'direct' or incorrect source, as well as not being attributed to the actual landing page that the customer first saw or found in an organic search engine. This happens because Google Analytics creates a separate session for the returning customer when a different device is used or if browser privacy features block Google Analytics cookies. These issues become even more pronounced when a deal is closed offline, in a CRM or when a subscription payment is taken after a trial period, as well as in apps where the subscription event happens on a separate app domain not connected with the marketing website.

Able CDP tracks website page views and form submissions to attribute each customer to the original source. It records Google Analytics Client Id for each lead and attributes all future conversions to it entirely server-side, allowing you to report the complete LTV by source correctly in Google Analytics.

Place The Data In Everyday Tools

Upgrade Google Analytics with Able CDP data to see exact performance and revenue of each channel and landing page even when sales happen weeks after the initial ad click

Once Able CDP is integrated, it feeds constant data into Google Analytics, allowing to leverage its reporting features.

See Complete LTV Of Each Paying Customer

Back-end tracking improves quality of conversion data and captures LTV of follow-on upsell purchases

Able attributes back-end conversion to the original visitor using it's own database. It attributes the purchase conversion to the original visit using first-touch attribution and sends conversions directly to Google Analytics API not relying on browser tracking. This allows Able to track, attribute and integrate purchase conversions that happen long time after the original visit that produced a lead has happened.

Understand What Drives Sales

Map customer journey to each purchase

Able offers an off-the-shelf integration between your CMS/CRM and Google Analytics to track each customer payment and their entire journey from the landing page to purchase. Able integrates any web form with any major CRM system, tracking lead sources and sending form lead to CRM and marketing services along with the UTM and referrer parameters. In addition to reporting sales by source within CRM, this allows to visualize journey of each paying customer in Google Analytics.

Learn more about Able CDP Revenue Tracking and Attribution

How does it work?

Build an entire journey of each customer from the first ad click

Able CDP combines browser tracking with server-side API integrations, linking website activity and Facebook or Google Ads click IDs with server-side sales to build a complete journey of each customer across website and back-office tools. This allows to visualize journey of each paying customer in Google Analytics looking up a customer in Google Analytics User Explorer by Client Id.

Attribute 99% of your sales, regardless of when they happen

All purchases made by the same customer are attributed to the past lead and visitor activity automatically and sent to Google Analytics Measurement Protocol API throughout entire customer lifecycle, no matter how long it is or whether the tracking cookies are present at the time of conversion.

Connect Google Analytics with other software without coding

Skip complex manual set-up of the connection between Google Analytics and other software in your funnel. Able gets conversions from e-commerce platforms, payment providers and CRMs right into Google Analytics without a need for complex integrations or data mapping.

Read how Able CDP works in our docs →

Able Customer Data Platform is easy to set up

Sign up for a free trial account

Connect Able to your CRM, payment system or send custom conversions using its REST API.

Connect Google Analytics Measurement Protocol API to allow Able CDP to send conversions attributed to the original ad clicks to a Facebook Pixel or Offline Event Set

Track any conversions with Google Analytics

Sample Integration Scenarios

Don't see the one you're looking for? Our list of server-side integrations has many more that can be useful.


Creating a Google Analytics 4 Report for Conversions Based on Date of Acquisition

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offers a powerful way to track and analyze user interactions on your website or app. With GA4, you can create custom reports that focus on different aspects of user behavior. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating a GA4 report that displays conversions based on the date of acquisition, rather than the date of conversion. This approach provides valuable insights into how well your marketing efforts are performing in terms of acquiring new customers and driving conversions over time.

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First Click Attribution In Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4, also known as GA4, is a new version of Google Analytics. A major difference many website owners and web marketers notice is its sole reliance on last click attribution. It results in unexpected traffic sources shown for meaningful conversions that happen later in the funnel such as purchases.

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How conversions can be tracked without third-party cookies

With the ever-changing landscape of online tracking, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest developments. In this article, we explore how third-party cookies, first-party cookies, and other tracking techniques are used to track and attribute conversions and how browsers are responding to these techniques. We also look at how these techniques are affecting the way advertisers and social media networks are able to reach their audiences.

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How to import offline conversions into Google Analytics

Importing offline conversions is essential for understanding customer journeys, sales sources and ROI and reporting on multiple touchpoints in many funnels. Google Analytics 4 allows to report such conversions by uploading them. This can be done using manual offline events import or using an API integration. This blog post outlines both approaches.

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How To Send Conversions to Google Analytics 4

Able Customer Data Platform attributes all customer activity to Google Analytics 4 Client Ids automatically, making it the easiest way to attribute conversions and send them to Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol.

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Achieve results

Continuously improve marketing strategy with actionable data produced by Able tracking.

Drive sales

Understand how your customers buy and how segments perform across campaigns even on low volume experimental conversion data when you"re still perfecting your pipeline.

Boost ad ROI

Stream back-end conversion data to Google Ads and Facebook Ads Conversion APIs to facilitate ad platforms" AI/ML ad delivery optimization and to create super effective lookalike audiences in real time.

Get actionable insights

Use standard tools such as Facebook Ads, Google Analytics and your preferred BI and dashboard software to see exact performance and revenue of each channel and landing page even when sales happen weeks after the initial ad click.

Don't just take our word for it

Software companies, e-commerce stores and various types of digital businesses around the world are using Able CDP to fundamentally improve their marketing strategy.

We have been looking for a tool that could help gain better insights into our marketing efforts. We tried many, but none of them worked until we found Able. The reason Able CDP works for us, is that it is simple and does not try to reinvent the wheel but rather builds on existing tools and software out there. It helps us link our 'offline' sales to our marketing efforts and have it show up in Google Analytics. It then further helps us to optimize the digital marketing efforts by sending the real conversions (sales) to the marketing platforms. We seem to have finally closed the circle of our efforts and it will help us understand better and better what works, what doesn't and how to fix it or reallocate budgets.

Kjeld Schigt
Kjeld Schigt
Managing Director of Kalon Surf
Kalon Surf