
Connect Chargebee and Facebook

Why do Chargebee and Meta/Facebook Need to Be Connected?

Chargebee is a powerful subscription management platform and it's also a valuable data source for marketers to understand what drives revenue up or down and the lifetime value of customers. Payments on Chargebee are processed through Stripe. Facebook is one of the most widely used platforms for advertising, which businesses commonly use to grow their audience and further develop their brand, either through Facebook pages or ads. Without a conversion, customers who first interact with a brand on Facebook often may not be recognised when they purchase a subscription through Chargebee. Both platforms keep a rich set of data, but without integration, such as from Able CDP, a very low percentage of the purchases will be shown in reports as being attributed to Facebook.

  1. Stripe customer data without proper first-party attribution doesn’t allow you to leverage the reporting capabilities of other reporting tools you may be using, such as GoogleAnalytics.
  2. You can't use Facebook Conversions API by utilizing only back-end data (such as customer name, phone and e-mail) or front-end data(such as browser id) efficiently. It will work, but it would only be able to match about 30% of transactions.
  3. Facebook Conversions API deduplication parameter makes Facebook to ignore the event sent to Conversions API altogether when a corresponding Pixel event is available, even if Conversions API event has more customer data.
  4. These missing sales from Facebook that go unreported are caused by missing data, which occurs when there is no help from an integration platform such as Able CDP that ensures all sales data is properly attributed in Chargebee.

Combining browser and server-side tracking to report conversions via the server-to-server Facebook Conversions API integration solves these problems.

A Complete Solution for Integrating Chargebee and Meta/Facebook

Able Customer Data Platform is the ultimate Chargebee and Facebook integration.

It introduces first-party tracking and first-touch attribution based on the concept of a CustomerCustomer associates Events that happen on website, in CRM or offline by associating these Events using Customer KeysCustomer Keys are Customer attributes that uniquely identify a customer across events and devices. The most common ones are email and phone.

It combines browser tracking with server API integrations, linking website activity with purchases on the back-end to build a complete journey of each customer across Stripe and Facebook.

This allows you to attribute 99%of sales to the correct marketing source, ad click and landing page and obtain data to inform strategy.

Use of Facebook Conversions API can improve your CPA by 13% across multiple verticals when setting up the Conversions API with the Meta pixel. It can also increase your lead to sale conversion rate by 20% by showing you which ads are optimized for your customer base. Connecting Able CDP to your Facebook Conversions API will ensure this helpful data is efficiently transferred to other analytics platforms you may be using, allowing for even better analysis of your marketing campaigns and customer journey.

All of this happens in Able Customer Data Platform automatically, provided Able is used to track Facebook ad click conversions to leads.

How Able CDP Integrates Chargebee and Meta/Facebook

Able makes it easy to know which leads and Facebook visitors convert to paying Chargebee customers. It allows you to report on actual Chargebee revenue rather than conversions to leads, attributing all subsequent Chargebee revenue to the original Facebook visitor and campaign — even if it occurs weeks after the initial visit.

Able tracks Chargebee subscriptions and payments by processing web hooks from Stripe and attributing them to the original visitor on Facebook tracked by Able.

Able CDP combines browser and back-end tracking to:

  1. store Facebook Click id, including the original ad click id (fbclid), when available, as well as browser id (fbp).
  2. attribute successful payments to the Facebook click ids and send conversion to Stripe with additional customer match parameters.
  3. send Advanced Match Parameters. Customer email, phone, name and address help Facebook to attribute sales when a click id parameter isn't available or is inconclusive

5 Steps to Connect Chargebee with Facebook by Using Able CDP

Step 1. Sign up for a free Able trial account

Complete the sign up form to create a trial account.

Step 2. Install Able tracking code on the website

After signing up for a free account, Able CDP will prompt you to add code to your website.

This tracking code will record ad click ids and details of the original landing page visit, as well as lead form submissions, allowing to attribute customers to website visitors. Able CDP uses its tracking to capture UTM parameters, referrer URL and landing page URL, store them in its own attribution database together with the personal identifiers such as email or phone, entered by customer in lead and order forms, allowing it to associate all future customer activity with the original website visitor source.

Add lead form URLs to the HTML Forms Tracking section to let Able automatically recognize the sign-up and lead forms you're using. Any standard lead form widgets that we could detect during the account setup will appear in the Dynamic Lead Forms Tracking section.

Press "Generate" in the Get Code section to generate a unique tracking code to add to your site.

Able CDP page view tracking doesn't install its own cookies and relies on third-party identifiers such as Google Analytics Client Id to connect customer activity between website pages. Please enable cross-domain measurement in Google Analytics if your landing and lead/order pages are hosted on different domains.

Step 3. In the Funnel tab, click add service integration to select which platforms you want to integrate with

Step 4. Connect Able to Chargebee

Able Customer Data Platform attributes Chargebee payments (processed using Stripe) to the original marketing source.

To send Purchase events from Stripe to Able:

  1. Open Stripe Webhook Dashboard
  2. Add Webhook Endpoint (where 10 is the id of your Able CDP Funnel) and enable the 'payment_intent.succeeded' event

Able CDP will now receive webhooks from Stripe, automatically attributing Purchases by customer emails and phones and sending Purchase conversions with payment amounts.

If you need to recognize conversion during user actions (for example, immediately after a service is consumed, rather than when its successfully billed), consider a direct integration with Able REST API.

Step 5. Connect Able to Facebook

1. Set up Facebook Events Manager

  1. Open Facebook Events Manager.
  2. If you have existing Pixel of an Offline Events Set that you'd like to use, open it.
  3. Go to the Settings tab and click Generate access token.

For more granular permissions setup, you could also create System Users and Tokens in Facebook Business Settings manually.

2. Add Access Token to Able

Paste the access token you've created in the previous step and save it. Leave refresh token empty.

3. Enable Outbound Integration

Select the credential you've just created and Purchase event type.

If the token you're using has 'Manage Ad account' permission, Able will display list of Ad Account, which allows to select ad account and pixel you'd like to use from the list.

Otherwise, copy a Pixel or Offline Event Set Id from Facebook Events Manager and paste into the Adspixel or Offline Event Set field respectively:

Enabled for the following event types:

Learn More

Read more about Able CDP tracking and attribution engine and how it utilizes a customer journey database to correctly attribute all purchases to the original visitors.

Discover SaaS conversion funnel tracking best practices.


Start integrating Chargebee and Facebook right now

Don't just take our word for it

Software companies, e-commerce stores and various types of digital businesses around the world are using Able CDP to fundamentally improve their marketing strategy.

A valuable insight we've got because of using Able Customer Data Platform is that display ads aren't working for us at all... we've been wasting money for years on paid display ads. Before Able we'd be excited about every lead or email that came through, but after the last year we've determined that those don't convert at all. And so we've been focusing on paid search, which does have return on investment.

Bryan Brinton
Bryan Brinton
CFO, Co-Founder of Aluvii