Choose Able over Littledata

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Why so many marketers choose Able as an alternative to Littledata?

Here are some of the key differences to consider when looking for an alternative to Littledata.

All tracking and attribution tools make similar promises: tracking customers and getting actionable insights from analytics. What makes Able different is the technology underneath the marketing speak.

Both Able and Littledata attribute sales to marketing activity. But Able has Google Ads API integrations that allow it to send data to the ad platforms and leverage powerful automatic lookalike audience optimization offered by Google Ads rather than merely reporting ROI for campaigns.

Both Able and Littledata track customer activity. But Able is a customer data platform, which allows it to build a better holistic view of the customer journey and integrate with marketing services without having to purchase third-party customer data platform.

Littledata's platform is focused solely on e-commerce companies, whereas Able provides solutions for B2B and SaaS businesses in addition to e-commerce, allowing for a greater scope of analysis. Able also offers more integrations that Littledata does not, including Google Ads API, WooCommerce, and BigQuery, among others.

You should choose Able if:

What advantages do you get by choosing Able as a Littledata alternative?

True Server-Side Attribution

Let ad platforms' AIs work for your business by streaming server-side conversion data from the back-end to Google Ads and Facebook Ads Conversion APIs. This facilitates ad platforms AI bidding optimization and enables the creation of custom segments and highly effective lookalike audiences in real-time.

Able CDP marketing API integrations are privacy-ready and function without relying on third-party cookies.

This functionality isn't available in all-in-one marketing analytics software such as Littledata, which calculates ROI internally instead of sharing raw conversion data with ad platforms.

Don't just take our word for it

Software companies, e-commerce stores and various types of digital businesses around the world are using Able CDP to fundamentally improve their marketing strategy.

As the owner of Placówkowo, Poland's premier educational listing site, having detailed insights into our transactions is paramount. Able CDP's integration of Stripe with Google Analytics 4 e-commerce has been a game-changer. With their expertise, every Stripe transaction now seamlessly reflects in GA4, providing us with invaluable insights into our financial performance and user behavior. This fusion not only enhances our data clarity but also streamlines our business operations. Able CDP's responsiveness and customer-centric approach have made this integration smooth and efficient. We wholeheartedly endorse their services and appreciate their commitment to excellence.

Łukasz Ostrowski
Łukasz Ostrowski
Owner of Placówkowo
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