Choose Able over Triple Whale

Specialized attribution solution
Fix attribution in Facebook Ads, Google Ads, TikTok and Google Analytics reporting instead of adding another reporting tool to your marketing stack

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Why so many marketers choose Able as an alternative to Triple Whale?

Here are some of the key differences to consider when looking for an alternative to Triple Whale.

All tracking and attribution tools make similar promises: tracking customers, understanding which ads sell, calculating profitability. What makes Able different is the technology underneath the marketing speak.

  • Both Able and Triple Whale help to connect sales with marketing spending. But Able's approach is focused on Facebook Conversions API and Google Ads API integrations that allow it to send data to the ad platforms and leverage powerful automatic audience optimization offered by Facebook Ads and Google Ads, rather than merely reporting ROI for campaigns.
  • Both Able and Triple Whale track customer activity. But Able is a customer data platform, which allows it to build a better holistic view of the customer journey instead of simply collecting disparate events.
  • Both Able and Triple Whale offer reporting capabilities. But Able is also capable of sending data that it collects, as well as conversion data it receives from ad platforms into data warehouses, allowing unlimited reporting capabilities and advanced RoAS modelling.

You should choose Able if:

What advantages do you get by choosing Able as a Triple Whale alternative?

True Server-Side Attribution

Let ad platforms' AIs work for your business by streaming server-side conversion data from the back-end to Google Ads and Facebook Ads Conversion APIs. This facilitates ad platforms AI bidding optimization and enables the creation of custom segments and highly effective lookalike audiences in real-time.

Able CDP marketing API integrations are privacy-ready and function without relying on third-party cookies.

One important functionality of ad platforms that all-in-one reporting and attribution platforms such as Triple Whale overlook is the potential to optimize ad performance by sending conversion data.

With Able CDP it's possible to get correct conversion data into ad platforms to analyze RoAS, compare performance of narrow audience segments and make sure you're maximizing your ad returns by advertising to the right segments and letting ad platforms' AI refine them further.

Improve Your Marketing in Minutes

No matter whether your sales are low-touch or high-touch, one-off, recurring or subscription, Able CDP has tracking, attribution and API integrations solutions optimal for your business to help your long-term growth without delay.

No sales calls. No commitment. No opaque setup instructions. No custom reporting that needs to be re-learned. Just a product that solves exactly the problem you have in minutes.

Map Customer Journey to Each Purchase

Able CDP keeps knowledge about each customer activity, regardless whether it happens online on the website or offline and in a CRM.

It tracks and displays full journeys of each individual customer from the first ad click and landing page visit to CRM and payment systems conversions and gives you insight into these journeys through a visual history of each customer.

This feature makes Able CDP an excellent alternative to Triple Whale for marketers and entrepreneurs who aren't satisfied with top-down overall statistics and are interested in understanding how their customers from each segment make the decision to buy.

Focus On What Matters The Most

Able is designed to be set up once and bring all the data and KPIs optimal for your business into the tools you already use every day: Google Analytics, a CRM system, ad platforms’ reports and so on. Able can offer more useful features at a much lower price due to its extensive use of automation and artificial intelligence.

Don't just take our word for it

Software companies, e-commerce stores and various types of digital businesses around the world are using Able CDP to fundamentally improve their marketing strategy.

We have been looking for a tool that could help gain better insights into our marketing efforts. We tried many, but none of them worked until we found Able. The reason Able CDP works for us, is that it is simple and does not try to reinvent the wheel but rather builds on existing tools and software out there. It helps us link our 'offline' sales to our marketing efforts and have it show up in Google Analytics. It then further helps us to optimize the digital marketing efforts by sending the real conversions (sales) to the marketing platforms. We seem to have finally closed the circle of our efforts and it will help us understand better and better what works, what doesn't and how to fix it or reallocate budgets.

Kjeld Schigt
Kjeld Schigt
Managing Director of Kalon Surf
Kalon Surf
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