Knowledge Base / How to add UTM parameters to Google Ads

How to add UTM parameters to Google Ads


How to add UTM parameters in Google Ads?


The easiest way to see conversions for individual campaigns or keywords would be to enable sending of Lead and Purchase events to Google Ads or Google Analytics (the Google Analytics property has to be connected to Google Ads). To do so, open Able Dashboard, press "Add Service Integration" and follow the setup instructions for the relevant integration.

If you'd like to see Google Ads search keywords within Able, UTM parameters need to be added to ads or campaigns. To have Google Ads to do it automatically:

  1. Click the Campaigns tab and select the campaign you want to track.
  2. Click Settings  — Additional settings (in the bottom)  — Campaign URL options.
  3. Set Final URL suffix to utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign={campaignid}&utm_content={adgroupid}&utm_term={keyword}
  4. Click Save.

Depending on your reporting needs, you may want to enter human-readable campaign names manually (instead of using {campaignid} and {adgroupid}), as well as set different tracking templates at different levels.

In Google Ads, if a final URL suffix is set up at different levels (account, campaign, ad group, or ad level), the more specific one typically takes precedence.

The hierarchy, from broad to specific, is as follows:

  1. Account Level
  2. Campaign Level
  3. Ad Group Level
  4. Ad Level

This means, if a URL suffix is set at both the account level and the ad level, the ad level suffix will apply.

This same principle applies to most settings in Google Ads: more specific levels override more general ones.

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